Wednesday, March 12, 2025
ISSN 2765-8767
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Discussing patient suicides following forced tapering with the investigators of CSI: OPIOIDs

CSI:OPIOIDs (Clinical Context of Suicide Following Opioid Transitions) is a scientific research study to closely examine suicides that have occurred after prescription opioid dose reductions in patients with long-term pain.

The CSI:OPIOIDs team will:

  • Compile a registry of people who have died by suicide following a reduction or stoppage in their opioid medication.
  • Perform in-depth, one on one interviews with survivors of individuals who have died by suicide after opioid transition to understand what led their loved-one to die by suicide, and review medical records when they are obtainable.
  • Identify factors common to these individuals prior to their death and suggest ways to reduce likelihood that future patients will die by suicide under similar circumstances.

The approach used in this study, psychological autopsy, offers a descriptive portrait of each death. The resulting insights will help health systems, policy makers, and prescribers make better decisions to prevent these tragedies. There is a website for the general public and a separate one for persons who wish to enter the study

CSI:OPIOIDs (Clinical Context of Suicide Following Opioid Transitions) is a research study focused on closely examining suicides that have occurred after prescription opioid dose reductions in patients with long-term pain. Suicide is a complex event that is not fully explained by a change in prescription medication, and in-depth case study could help shed a deeper light on the social and clinical context of these tragedies so that they may be prevented. The study team has worked diligently to ensure that participant data is secure and protected and that
participants feel safe and heard throughout their interactions with this study. The study is approved by the Institutional Review Boards at both the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the US Department of Veterans Affairs; it is also covered by two National Institute of Health Certificates of Confidentiality to protect participant privacy and prohibit the disclosure of identifiable and sensitive information outside of the study.

To learn more about the study, please visit
To talk to the study team and ask questions, please reach out to: [email protected].
For anyone thinking about suicide, please contact the 988 Suicide Crisis Lifeline, available
online, via chat, or by dialing “988.”

Daily Remedy

Daily Remedy

Dr. Jay K Joshi serves as the editor-in-chief of Daily Remedy. He is a serial entrepreneur and sought after thought-leader for matters related to healthcare innovation and medical jurisprudence. He has published articles on a variety of healthcare topics in both peer-reviewed journals and trade publications. His legal writings include amicus curiae briefs prepared for prominent federal healthcare cases.

Comments 1

  1. maryw says:

    Again to us cpp’s,,,its not rocket science,,we use death,to stop treatable physical pain because we’ve been denied our effective dosage of medicine we once had..Using death to stop physical pain has been in use in humanity since its conception.,,Soldier use it on the field of battle,,if they know,,they will paralyzed for life,,or in sooo much physical pain,and no morphine is available..It was in Europe in the 1800’s and when the black plague was around,,used death,,to stop the physical pain ,sadly suicide has been used use for centuries. However,,since mankind has supposedly EVOLVED out of the neanderthal days,,we now have pain MEDICINE that is quite effective at lessening that physical pain from a medical conditions not of our choosing,,Now a days ,since thee acceptance of the DEMENTED mentality of andrea kolodny m-jane ballerina, and tom sultan,, THEIR DEMENTED,DELUSIONAL GROUP THINK
    ALL MEDICALLY ILL IN PHYSICAL PAIN ARE JUST ADDICTS,,therefore DENY THEM ALLL EFFETIVE PAIN RELIEF,,,THESE DEMENTED,CRUEL INHUMANE IDIOTS,,ACTUALLT THINK,,IT OK,,IT THERE GOD GIVEN DEVIN RITE,,TO TORTURE THE WEAK,THE SICK,THE DIEING,,WTF IS WRONG W/THEM??Why didn’t anyone in our government recognize the flip side of this very wrong,demented ideology??The flip side will be acceptance of torture in the healthcare setting towads ALLL
    medically ill in physical pain..Now personally,i would think the long long history of psychiatry having rogue employees accepting torture in many of their own psychiatric facility,,4 btw in KOOL-AID DYNS state,were closed UNDER HIS WATCH FOR ABUSES,,,, what was our government thinking,,,$$$$$$$$$$$,,….JMO,mw

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