Friday, March 14, 2025
ISSN 2765-8767
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A conversation with Dr. Lewis, a Pain Specialist who has seen it all

Dr. David Lewis is an Anesthesiologist, Pain Management Specialist who fortunately or unfortunately is known for his medical acumen and legal experience. He was acquitted for prescribing opioids without legitimate medical cause and insurance fraud after a grueling, highly publicized legal battle. We discuss his case and analyze lessons we can learn.

#pain #opioids #DOJ #DEA #crisis #injustice #criminal #justice #reform

Daily Remedy

Daily Remedy

Dr. Jay K Joshi serves as the editor-in-chief of Daily Remedy. He is a serial entrepreneur and sought after thought-leader for matters related to healthcare innovation and medical jurisprudence. He has published articles on a variety of healthcare topics in both peer-reviewed journals and trade publications. His legal writings include amicus curiae briefs prepared for prominent federal healthcare cases.

Comments 1

  1. Linda Newcomb says:

    I’m just a layperson looking in ~ 77 yrs young Who’s been office manager for a neurosurgeon 8 yrs and a neuropsychologist for 5. I’ve been a CNA. I am married to an amazing gent who’s a person who has worked hard physically all his life and is now 93 yrs old. The hydrocodone that did little to help him was pulled years ago, the injections to his spine and the occipital injections tried over the years haven’t helped but only slightly and have been very temporary fixes at best.
    I have listened to this conversation shaking my head and near tears listening to the horror Dr. Lewis and his family have been through. May God bless and keep you Dr. Lewis. . I for one hate that you have been put through this. . . I see now why Papa Gene’s doctor had to pull his Hydrocodone. Linda Newcomb/Ledbetter, TX

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President Trumps health policy changes (week 1)


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