Dr. Jay K Joshi serves as the editor-in-chief of Daily Remedy. He is a serial entrepreneur and sought after thought-leader for matters related to healthcare innovation and medical jurisprudence.
He has published articles on a variety of healthcare topics in both peer-reviewed journals and trade publications. His legal writings include amicus curiae briefs prepared for prominent federal healthcare cases.
The vaccine has arrived and the roll-out has begun, with many of the high-risk already vaccinated. But we should remain...
Within days India will begin one of the largest vaccine roll-outs in the world. Despite the enormous challenges that lie...
Healthcare litigation surrounding the opioid epidemic has led to a slew of high-profile legal cases - with implications extending throughout...
While most of the world was relaxing over the holidays, we at Daily Remedy were struggling with COVID-19. And we...
Living through a pandemic has undoubtedly made us more aware of our health and healthcare policy. But as we struggle...
The vaccine is here - and everything seems to be going wrong. We discuss some of the obstacles encountered and...
The pandemic has proven how complex the relationship between healthcare policy and economics can be. However, the mental constraints may...
Healthcare is a series of decisions, one after another. But most decisions are made reflexively, reiterating familiar patterns of thought....
The editors write a heartfelt note thanking the readers for their support of the healthcare content and for their participation...
The vaccine roll-out is well on its way, and already the early rifts are starting to form. But the ensuing...
Telemedicine may be the future of healthcare. Exactly how that future will manifest varies widely. But predicting the future based...
Microfinance has changed the world for good, helping millions support their healthcare costs. But the future of modern healthcare depends less...
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