Dr. Jay K Joshi serves as the editor-in-chief of Daily Remedy. He is a serial entrepreneur and sought after thought-leader for matters related to healthcare innovation and medical jurisprudence.
He has published articles on a variety of healthcare topics in both peer-reviewed journals and trade publications. His legal writings include amicus curiae briefs prepared for prominent federal healthcare cases.
The most controversial healthcare laws simplify complex issues through vague legal terms. Opioids and abortions have similar levels of outrage...
We discuss health policy in terms of rights. Instead, the medical community must challenge the notion that patient behavior can...
Elon Musk purchased Twitter. The political world is now ablaze. But there is another world that should be just as...
Donald Trump is contagious. He infects susceptible patients with a flair for dramatic individualism. And it seems Trumpism will affect...
The CDC and DOJ make for curious bedfellows. They should be different organizations. But now, personal health is public policy...
The growing government encroachment in healthcare has led to high-profile criminal cases that otherwise would be administrative concerns. How we...
The pandemic might be waning, but the medical innovations continue churning, creating an odd disconnect in healthcare. It highlights the...
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet." Shakespeare...
Health insurances set premiums based on assumptions in patient behavior. When that behavior becomes subjective, health insurances should then include...
We know medical costs lead to personal debt. Yet we continue adding to the costs, treating patients more and more....
Coughs are everywhere this time of the year. They appear to be both harmless yet persistent, which make coughs particularly...
The CDC recently announced that it is evaluating its current organizational structure. We hope this leads to much needed changes,...
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