Predictions, projections, and misleading conclusions seem to define COVID-19 policies. But as we continue to pursue solutions that can hopefully ...
In the quantified world of healthcare, we continue to rely upon numbers and data to diagnose and treat patients. And ...
Today healthcare is seen as more a science than an art, but the progenitors of healthcare saw it as both ...
When science speaks, who is the speaker? Can science maintain the objectivity and credibility needed to impact patient behavior if ...
In healthcare, we often conflate the validity of a process with the success of its outcome. And in today’s world ...
A satirical tale inspired by the novella, Candide by the French philosopher Voltaire, reimagines Candide as a patient in today's ...
Uncertainty and complexity have been the two most prominent features of COVID-19, confounding those who seek to understand and predict ...
As the opioid epidemic continues to affect lives across the country, law enforcement steps up their efforts to curtail the ...
Healthcare should be studied within the framework of the economic discipline, Game Theory, in which different perspectives or decisions have ...
Healthcare is defined by strongly held views that quickly develop and come into conflict with opposing views that form just ...
A gritty tale of life inside a federal prison as inmates face and attempt to understand COVID-19 risks.
Observer bias defines the reality we create and the narratives we tell, which may impact how we see the future.
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