Health equity calls for equal patient outcomes. While laudable, it is not what most consider fair. If health equity means ...
We believe we can only treat a disease after it appears, like cause and effect, thinking which leads to vaccine ...
The pandemic has pushed healthcare to the brink. Healthcare journalists struggle to make sense of it, finding themselves isolated, trapped ...
Healthcare struggles with thinking fast. We like snap decisions when treating diseases. But in the process, we have forgotten that ...
We like to predict the future of telemedicine. But these predictions are often speculative. The most likely trends in telemedicine ...
In recent weeks, the CDC has struggled with policy reversals and communication errors. Yet its leaders continue to project confidence ...
The Supreme Court ruled against vaccine mandates for large employers. It was an expected ruling that fell along partisan lines. ...
Media outlets have become the primary source of healthcare information, replacing traditional clinical journals. But the difference between the two ...
It is only a matter of time before we hear of the fourth COVID booster. The timing will correspond with ...
The FDA has authorized multiple COVID treatments, but they remain limited for the foreseeable future due to the belief that ...
Climate change is a healthcare issue. But it affects healthcare at large more than it does individual patients. Therefore, we ...
Public health is a field that thrives on compromise. Yet we have polarized and distorted it into something different. By ...
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